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MIRDsoft user forums

MIRDcell is a free applet software that models the distribution of radiopharmaceuticals in tissues, calculates the distribution of radiation dose, models responses on a cell-by-cell basis, and predicts the surviving fraction of the labeled and unlabeled cell populations.

MIRDcell is currently distributed through Rutgers University portal, and can be accessed by clicking “download” link above.

A circle with a question mark FAQ

  • MIRDcell is freely available for download
  • MIRDcell is an executable Java program that you download and then run on your PC
  • MIRDcell is grant funded and continued update of versions expected

An icon of a document Reference Publications

An icon of a document Documentation & Instruction Manuals

An icon for information System Requirements

MIRDcell is written/distributed in Java. Supported operation systems include:

  • Windows
  • MAC
  • Linux

An image of a person's profile Acknowledgements & Authors

The development of MIRDcell is funded in part by the United States National Institute of Health grant R01-CA245139.

An image of a person's profile MIRDcell User Message Board

MIRDsoft user forums