
MIRDsoft.org will host a suite of free software applications designed and developed to support the medical radiation dose community. These products will be added as they become available. Following free registration, users will receive periodic newsletters and updates regarding the website.

Anticipated timeline of software release

SoftwareDescriptionProjected release on MIRDsoft.org
MIRDcalc Organ level RP dosimetry(online)
MIRDcell V4 Cellular level RP dosimetry(online)
MIRDy90 Y90 microsphere partition calculation tool(online)
MIRDdcm Dicom report converter(online)
MIRDrefsIsotope reference workheets2024
MIRDfitCurve fitting2024
MIRDctCT dosimetry2024
MIRDmcMonte-Carlo RP dosimetry2024
additional projects to be added, stay tuned